
Welcome to COMMIT YOURSELF TO LIFE! This site is still under development, but it presently offers a daily, Christian devotion written by Curtis Dickinson. Originally collected in a small book entitled Commit Yourself to Life, “these devotions are written in the hope that they might shed light on the neglected subject of the eternal purpose of God.” Here Dickinson’s insightful and encouraging meditations are being posted for a new and broader readership. Dickinson also is known for publishing The Witness monthly newsletter from 1963 to 2004. Thanks for visiting.



“Gather up the broken pieces which remain over, that nothing be lost.” John 6:12

One might think that since Jesus had such power to create fish and bread from nothing, He would not be so concerned about that which might be wasted. But the opposite is the case. Being the One who, by divine power is responsible for creating, He is the more concerned that what He provides not be wasted. In nature there is what we call a “balance”. Weaker animals are devoured by stronger, and the bones that are left are picked by the vultures, eaten by worms, and finally that which is not consumed for food is left to enrich the soil. But in the realm of men we live by what is called the “economy of wasteful consumption”. It is a planned waste including the building of appliances that are planned to be cast aside within a short period so that more will be purchased. Such an economy is far from that planned by the Creator. That which He creates with infinite insight and almighty power is not to be taken so lightly as to be wasted. Talent which God gives is to be used to its fullest. Ability is to be cultivated and exploited. Strength is to be spent in His service and in developing ourselves according to His will. God creates nothing to be wasted or misused, and to do either one is a sin against the Creator. This is especially true of life, for Jesus said that “this is the will of him that sent me, that of all that which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.” (John 6:39). He who carefully gathers the left overs from a meal, surely is displeased to see men wasting life, virtually throwing it away on useless temporal things that are perishing. To follow the example of Jesus is to be conservative not only in things, but with our selves and life which He gives.

PRAYER: Loving Father, teach me to use my substance, and my life, that your investment in me will not be lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen.