Welcome to COMMIT YOURSELF TO LIFE! This site is still under development, but it presently offers a daily, Christian devotion written by Curtis Dickinson. Originally collected in a small book entitled Commit Yourself to Life, “these devotions are written in the hope that they might shed light on the neglected subject of the eternal purpose of God.” Here Dickinson’s insightful and encouraging meditations are being posted for a new and broader readership. Dickinson also is known for publishing The Witness monthly newsletter from 1963 to 2004. Thanks for visiting. |
JANUARY 21“Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy.” Jude 1:24 Deep in the tropical jungle of Mexico we came to a foot bridge, used by the men who gathered coffee beans. It was swung by ropes across a deep gorge, and many of the planks were missing, leaving gaping holes through which one could plunge to the rocky depths below. As my younger daughter hesitated, I said, “Hold on to me, I’ll keep you from falling.” Of course it didn’t occur to me that she would doubt my word, nor did she doubt it. The Bible portrays God as behaving in the same loving and realistic way toward his creation. He not only is able to keep us from falling, but if we cling to Him in faith, he WILL keep us from falling. The secret is in our holding to Him. I shudder to think of what might have happened had my daughter broken loose from my hold and run down the treacherous bridge alone. I would have been powerless to keep her from falling. God does not hold us against our wills. When we break from His fellowship and insist on going it alone, He allows us to do so, and it is at such times that we experience the bruises from falling. In such perilous times as the present we may look around and feel the terror of evil that surrounds us, and question whether or not we may be able to stand. Many become so frightened at the prospects of the future that they give up in despair. Indeed, were we to stand in our own strength we would do well to be frightened. But we are not on our own, but in the care of Him who is able to keep us from falling. His mighty power and all-sufficient grace can overcome our weaknesses and keep us from falling under the power of Satan. PRAYER: Father, thank you for holding on to me when my grasp has been weak, for keeping me from falling and for undergirding me when the way is weary. Strengthen my trust and guide my way that I may finally come into your glorious presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |