
Welcome to COMMIT YOURSELF TO LIFE! This site is still under development, but it presently offers a daily, Christian devotion written by Curtis Dickinson. Originally collected in a small book entitled Commit Yourself to Life, “these devotions are written in the hope that they might shed light on the neglected subject of the eternal purpose of God.” Here Dickinson’s insightful and encouraging meditations are being posted for a new and broader readership. Dickinson also is known for publishing The Witness monthly newsletter from 1963 to 2004. Thanks for visiting.



“. . . and the care of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.” Matthew 13:22

This is the seed that is sown among the thorns. The soil is productive, but it is full of latent weed-seeds. The good seeds spring up and it appears there will be a bumper crop, but soon the thorns spring up too, and before we hardly know it, the crop has been choked out by volunteer weeds. The thorns are not as we might suppose, the terrible sins which all recognize as from the devil, but rather the everyday activity, the daily cares, which in themselves are neither good nor bad, but which when pursued and allowed to fasten upon us become anxieties that choke out the faith by which the Christian is to live. “And the deceitfulness of riches”—not necessarily the riches themselves, but the fact that we attribute worth to them that is not there, and cultivate the riches instead of the corn! Luke adds, “and the pleasures of this life”. How sadly the word of God is forsaken for the pleasures of this life! When we ought to be meditating upon the law of God, we are reading the works of men, or taking pleasure in the TV program which is written and produced by those who know not Christ. Time and energy spent in pleasure cannot be used again. The first soil was impenetrable; the second was shallow and allowed no root; but this soil is fertile with great possibilities. The trouble is that the hearer is a man who is unwilling to cut out the weeds and thorns, unwilling to cut loose from the world in order to care for the things of God, unwilling to give up the riches of the world for the riches of eternity, unwilling to give up the pleasure of life for the pain of God’s discipline.

The country is filled with those who receive the word, but whose lives are so choked with concern for things other than God’s purpose, that they are unfruitful. We cannot cultivate thorns and corn in the same field. The thorns have to go. We must go into ourselves and pull out by the roots the cares and greed and pleasure that is taking up our time and sapping our energy.

PRAYER: Loving Father, give me the power to see the thorns that have infested my life. Then give me the courage to uproot them from my life, that Your word may have complete freedom. This I pray in the name of my Lord, Jesus. Amen.